Archive for 'Biocera Health Info'

Krisis Air Bersih

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Krisis Air Bersih, Warga di Lebak Konsumsi Air Sungai tak Layak

Memasuki bulan kemarau, sejumlah daerah di Jawa mulai mengalami krisis air bersih. Termasuk delapan desa di Kecamatan Wanasalam, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten, yang mengalami krisis air bersih sejak beberapa waktu terakhir. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, warga terpaksa mengalihkan sumber air ke sejumlah sungai dan kolam. “Kami dan warga lainya terpaksa mencari air ke sungai dan ...

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Air Bersih di Semarang Terganggu

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Air Bersih di Semarang Terganggu

Aliran air bersih dari Instalasi Pengolah Air (IPA) Kudu, Kecamatan Genuk, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, macet sejak Minggu (15/7/2012). Ini disebabkan adanya kerusakan jaringan suplai sepanjang saluran air Bendung Klambu, Kabupaten Grobogan.

Kepala Bagian Hubungan Masyarakat Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Moedal Kota Semarang, Saebani, Selasa (17/7/2012) menyatakan, kerusakan jaringan air menyebabkan pasokan air untuk bahan baku IPA ...

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Pentingnya Air Bersih

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Pentingnya Air Bersih

Salah satu kebutuhan penting akan kesehatan lingkungan adalah masalah air bersih, persampahan dan sanitasi. Kebutuhan akan air bersih, pengelolaan sampah yang setiap hari diproduksi oleh masyarakat serta pembuangan air limbah yang langsung dialirkan pada saluran/sungai. Hal tersebut menyebabkan pandangkalan saluran/sungai, tersumbatnya saluran/sungai karena sampah. Pada saat musim penghujan selalu terjadi banjir dan menimbulkan penyakit.

Masalah air bersih merupakan hal yang paling ...

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Anti Aging and Alkaline Diet

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Anti-aging and Alkaline Diet


In order to learn how to get younger, we must understand the process of antiaging and an alkaline diet.

Handling natural health improvement devices developed in Japan a few years, I have witnessed as well as personally experienced many mysterious phenomenon in the reverse aging effect.

Being a scientist, engineer, and inventor, I have tried to understand and explain the phenomenon scientifically, applying the scientific principles of those non-drug, natural health improvement devices. During the course of the study, ...

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Dr. Jeon’s Health Information

→Diabetes management
Type 1 is treated with insulin replacement therapy ? usually by injection or insulin pump, along with attention to dietary management, typically including carbohydrate tracking, and careful monitoring of blood glucose levels using Glucose meters.

Untreated Type 1 diabetes can lead to one form of diabetic coma, diabetic ketoacidosis, which can be fatal. At present, insulin treatment must be continued for a lifetime; this will change if better treatment, or a cure, is discovered. Continuous ...

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Dr. Jeon’s Health Information

Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display the traits of uncontrolled growth (growth and division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, do not invade or metastasize. Most cancers form a tumor but ...

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Anti Tumor

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Dr. Jeon’s Health Information

In some extreme cases, the build up of acidic elements are so great that it starts to destroy healthy cells around them. Healthy cells must maintain a slightly alkaline pH level. Some cells change their formula in order to survive in an acidic environment. If they are successful, this is the beginning of cancer. Cancer cells are acidic while healthy cells are alkaline. Even if the cancerous tumors are completely removed surgically, as long as the ...

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